Commuting in the rush-hour requires a phlegmatic temperament. 在上下班交通高峰期间乘坐通勤车要有安之若素的心境。
The results showed that the phlegmatic temperament was faster than the choleric temperament in the crossing-out speed; 研究结果发现:在划消速度上,粘液质明显快于胆汁质;
Through the control test in two group, Hans-race'choleric temperament and phlegmatic temperament is higher Uighers '. 在气质类型构成比中,维吾尔族的胆汁质和粘液质比例均低于汉族。
Through questionnaire test and theoretical analysis, the paper thinks that the phlegmatic and sanguine temperament types have a close relations with the inherent requirements of gymnasts, therefore, they can be used as one of the bases in the selection of gymnasts. 本文通过问卷测试和理论分析认为,粘液质兼型和多血质兼型这两种气质类型与体操运动的内在要求有着密切的联系,因而认为可以将其作为体操运动员的选材依据之一。
Result SCL-90 showed that there was significant difference between choleric temperament, melancholic temperament and sanguine temperament, phlegmatic temperament at usual and during live ammunition training limes. 结果SCL-90测试结果显示:在平时和实弹训练期间,属于胆汁质和抑郁质类型的官兵与属于多血质和黏液质官兵的得分存在显著差异;
As for temperament, the sanguine temperament, phlegmatic temperament and choleric temperament are positively related to resilience. All the three kind have a positive prediction towards resilience. The melancholic temperament indicates negative prediction to resiliency. 在气质上,多血质、粘液质、胆汁质与心理弹性显著正相关,它们对心理弹性都有正向预测作用,抑郁质对心理弹性有负向预测作用。